Question : Who is Jesus according to muslims? Do they worship him ?
All Praise be to Allah
Summary: Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be upon him), is one of the mightiest messengers of Allah. He was born through a miraculous virgin birth to Maryam (Mary), without a father, as confirmed in the Quran. He is called the Messiah and is known as a word from Allah. Jesus performed numerous miracles, such as healing the sick and raising the dead, all by Allah’s permission. He is currently alive, taken up to heaven by Allah, and will return before the Day of Resurrection. Muslims love and revere him greatly and await his second coming, where he will be a just judge and will lead people in the true path of Allah.
Detailed Answer: In Islam, Jesus (peace be upon him) is regarded as one of the greatest messengers sent by Allah to mankind. He is often referred to as ‘Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary). His miraculous birth, without a father, is detailed in the Quran, and it is said that he was born when Allah willed it by saying, “Be,” and it was (Aal ‘Imran 3:47)
Jesus was given numerous miracles by Allah to support his mission and convey Allah’s message. These miracles include healing the blind, curing lepers, creating a bird from clay, and bringing the dead back to life by Allah’s leave (Al-Maidah 5:110)
He also spoke in his infancy to defend his mother’s chastity, emphasizing that he was a servant of Allah and a prophet.
Importantly, Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. Instead, it appeared so to people, but Allah saved him, raising him up to heaven, and he will descend again before the end of times to guide people back to the truth of Islam (Al-Nisa 4:157-158)
During his second coming, Jesus will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the jizyah, leading people back to monotheism and eradicating disbelief (Muslim, no. 155)
Muslims revere Jesus as one of the greatest prophets, but they do not view him as divine or as the son of God, as Christianity does. The Quran emphasizes his humanity, saying, “The Messiah, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger…” (Al-Maidah 5:72)
And Allah Knows Best
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